MTG Innistrad Crimson Vow Vampiric Bloodline – Commander Deck – ENG

Innistrad: Crimson Vow Vampiric Bloodline – Commander Deck – English


  • 1 Commander Deck Vampiric Bloodline

Información del fabricante:

Elige tu comandante y vence tanto a amigos como a enemigos en este formato multijugador definitivo de Magic.

Contenido de cada Commander Deck:

Mazo de 100 cartas (2 Foils legendarios incluidos)
10 cartas de ficha de doble cara
1 caja de mazo
1 Rueda de Vida
1 inserto de estrategia
1 Carta de referencia

Strefan, Progenitor Maurer (Linaje Vampírico)
Strefan es el progenitor del linaje de vampiros Maurer y señor de los valles exteriores de Stensia. Aunque se le considera un señor vampiro menor, no hay que subestimar su poder. En el pasado, incluso expulsó al arcángel Sigarda.


Sin existencias


Innistrad: Crimson Vow Vampiric Bloodline – Commander Deck – English


  • 1 Commander Deck Vampiric Bloodline

Manufacturer information:

Choose your commander and overcome both friend and foe in this definitive multiplayer Magic format.

Content each Commander Deck:

  • 100-card deck (2 legendary Foils included)
  • 10 double-sided token cards
  • 1 Deck box
  • 1 Life Wheel
  • 1 Strategy insert
  • 1 Reference card

Strefan, Maurer Progenitor (Vampiric Bloodline)
Strefan is the progenitor of the Maurer lineage of vampires and a lord of Stensia’s outland valleys. Although he is considered a minor vampire lord, his power is not to be underestimated. In the past, he even drove away the archangel Sigarda.




Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
Language: English
Condition: Factory sealed
Weight: 0.38 kg


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